You wandered into the blizzard when I was weak tearful blood between my legs lost in an endless migration of frost-bound ground unyielding soil and babies conceived and born unceremoniously after freezing nights of misery wondering if I - we - they had been forgotten every Ancestral taboo broken cast aside silenced by hunger pains and doubt heart shattered by missing grannies mothers aunties sisters cousins best friends likewise cast aside unceremoniously when their bodies became a burden and the frozen Earth refused to open for them You summoned us to the wilderness so proud of your snow castle built in distraction without any of us in mind an escape, really a monument to a million tragedies too frightening to face let alone remember You summoned us to this palace of forgetting and many followed because, really… what better did we have?
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Winter Wonderland
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You wandered into the blizzard when I was weak tearful blood between my legs lost in an endless migration of frost-bound ground unyielding soil and babies conceived and born unceremoniously after freezing nights of misery wondering if I - we - they had been forgotten every Ancestral taboo broken cast aside silenced by hunger pains and doubt heart shattered by missing grannies mothers aunties sisters cousins best friends likewise cast aside unceremoniously when their bodies became a burden and the frozen Earth refused to open for them You summoned us to the wilderness so proud of your snow castle built in distraction without any of us in mind an escape, really a monument to a million tragedies too frightening to face let alone remember You summoned us to this palace of forgetting and many followed because, really… what better did we have?